The Board of Trustees
A seven-member Board of Trustees serves as the legal agent of the State of Texas in carrying out the will of the citizens of the Ector County Independent School District in matters of public education. The school board is the policy-making body for the school district.In addition to setting policy, the Board of Trustees also hires the superintendent of schools, holds regularly scheduled meetings to conduct the business of the district, approves textbooks and curriculum, approves employment and termination of personnel, approves the budget and sets the tax rate, approves property purchases, approves new building plans, awards bids, hears grievances of employees, students and citizens of the district, and authorizes collection, disbursement and auditing of funds.Ector County voters elect their school board members on the first Saturday in May. Board members are community volunteers who are elected to serve four-year terms.At the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees in May, the Board elects a president, vice-president and secretary to serve one-year terms.
The Public
The Board welcomes students, parents, employees and other interested citizens to visit its regular meetings. The Superintendent of Schools and the President of the Board of Trustees have the primary responsibility of preparing an agenda for Board meetings. Any individual has the right to address the Board. To expedite the procedures, guidelines have been established. Anyone wishing to address the Board at the next meeting must submit that request, in writing, to the Superintendent of Schools or the President of the Board of Trustees. The deadline for a written request is the close of business on the Monday eight (8) days prior to the regularly scheduled monthly Board meeting. The request should be mailed to P.O. Box 3912, 79760 or delivered to the Superintendent’s Office at 802 N. Sam Houston.Citizens may address the Board regarding any item on the agenda by completing a patron card and presenting it to Nelda Loya, Administrative Assistant to Superintendent and Board of Trustees, prior to the beginning of the meeting.When addressing the Board, speakers should identify themselves by name, address, organization represented, and if applicable, ages of their children and schools they attend. Speakers are requested to limit their remarks to five (5) minutes.Although the Board encourages public involvement and will listen to citizens’ views and problems concerning school district matters, citizens are asked first to go through regular channels. This procedure may include a visit with the school teachers and/or the principal at the campus level. Most problems are solved in this manner. Matters which cannot be resolved at the campus level may be brought to the attention of the appropriate Assistant Superintendent or the Superintendent of Schools.
The Meetings
The Board conducts school business at regularly scheduled public meetings on the third Tuesday of each month, unless there are conflicts with other important dates. Special meetings are called, subject to need.A notice and agenda of the Board meeting is posted in the front of the Administration Building at least 72 hours prior to the regularly scheduled Board meeting and at least 24 hours prior to any special/emergency Board meeting.The District holds a press conference the day of the Board meeting and the public is invited to attend.All meetings are conducted in the Board Room of the District’s Administration Building at 802 North Sam Houston, at 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise stated in a public notice.From time to time, the Board convenes into executive session for reasons specified in the Open Meeting Law of the Texas State Statutes. Executive sessions are scheduled in advance of the regular meeting, except in cases of emergency. Motions and votes resulting from the executive sessions are rendered in open session.For more information contact Nelda Guerra at 334-7100.
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