Sunday, April 17, 2011

Migrant E.D. Class 102: Latinos en Poder

“All workers and their families, regardless of their legal status, should receive adequate health insurance”

Stockton students traveled across the country to bring a message to congress that we, the Latino community, need assistance just as other communities have throughout history. Their parents, most of whom are farm workers, have worked hard to the benefit of the U.S. and deserve to have better working conditions such as protection from physical violence by supervisors, elimination of dangerous pesticides, and being paid for over time. Some farm workers, regardless of their legal status, have limited or no health insurance.

ALL WORKERS and their FAMILIES should receive adequate health insurance. To include medicine and other medical expenses. In addition life insurance should also be provided to farm workers. There have been many workers killed in farm work-related accidents and the families were not compensated. For many of these families the person killed was the primary wage earner, usually the father or mother. There should be equal protection under the law for everyone no matter race, origin, gender, religion, and legal immigration status.

Well, I don't have to guess what was taught during this class... nor what they would have spent 3 days approaching our Congressmen about.  Geeeezzzz.  Shouldn't this sort of lobbying effort come under the child labor laws?  And here the Bert Corona school is collecting 501(c)(3) funds for getting their message out free of charge by our school kids.  --  Faye

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