Sunday, April 17, 2011



Why El Norte will come to be

by Mario Encinias

Is a Chicano nation in the cards? There are more and more reasons why this question is increasingly being answered in the affirmative.

Imagine our future as a Chicano culture here in the so-called "Southwest" and how things might be. What will be the repercussions of increased immigration from Mexico? Last year (2000) the U.S. Census bureau predicted that Latinos will constitute the majority of the entire U.S. by 2080, most of whom will be situated in Texas, California, and Nuevo México. So we will become the majority. Now, will a majority Latino population be willing to receive the mandates of an Anglo minority? It's doubtful. Latino culture is already at the forefront of popular media. Our language has already gained regional status as being the second most widely spoken language in the U.S. and possibly the world. What's to come when the demographics of "El Norte" significantly change the political and popular landscape?

In this burgeoning age of globalization and the Internet, suppressing nationalism is a loser's game. If the invention of the printing press provided the means by which to fuel the political dissent of the early sixteenth century and break the stronghold of the European hegemonies, what role will the Internet play in coordinating common interest among a majority Latino/Mexicano population in the "Southwest"?

You think the U.S. is too powerful? It will never concede to such a preposterous notion? Consider this. The U.S. is already ceding some of its sovereignty to such global entities like the WTO, World Court, and the IMF. Why is it doing so? It is doing so because it is in its best interest to abide by these entities if it wishes to promote smooth international commerce and gubernatorial compatibility with global corporations. And corporations are precisely those entities that want an open border between the U.S. and Mexico. Why do they want this? Because they want the free passage of goods and labor. The U. S. will concede to an open border eventually. In addition the U.S. will eventually see the logic of conceding to Southwest autonomy as it will be increasingly burdened by having to cater its political agenda around a large Hispano constituency that significantly influences presidential elections and legislative measures as a result of its sheer numbers.

There is a catalyst potential for Mexican immigration to create conditions for a nationalistic movement in the "Southwest". The feared "mojado" is a blessing for those of us on this side of the Rio Grande for he continues to replenish our language and our culture. This so-called "mojado" does not sit still in the grips of adversity. No. He progresses. He has children and those children grow up and get college educations. And eventually his descendents become Chicanos. Those Chicanos, who are now seeing their numbers increase, eventually will refuse to bow down to a distant capitol in Washington. And then what? Believe me, Chicanos will not sit idly by and watch their language disappear, while foregoing their political potential. You don't buy it? Look at South Florida, Southern California, Columbus, New Mexico, etc.

Trends can be of predictive value. And if things keep going the way they're going, "El Norte" is only around the corner. There is a logic here.

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