Monday, September 19, 2011

This could help us here in Texas..please read what Karen has to say!

Many of you have asked for the bill number we are supposed to address on September 20. Attached is the bill but it does not yet have a number. The American Planning Administration will be in DC attending a meeting on September 20 and will be asking the Senate not to support the item in the budget for 2012 that will cut off funding to many of these agencies implementing Agenda 21 across the country. This is big and the APA as well as many other NGO's and foundations will be lobbying the Senate hard on this issue. The Senate must support these cuts and we must let them know that ANY Senator that votes for striking these cuts WILL be our main focus during the 2012 elections to ensure they do not get elected again. I will be sending out a reminder on Sept. 19. In the meantime please make sure everyone you know and members of your group are on board and are willing to participate. Once this bill gets a number I will be tracking it and letting everyone know when we need to take our next action.

Karen Bracken

Note from Faye.  The bill was attached.  I can't seem to get it posted on here.  If you're interested, e-mail me at and I'll be glad to forward it to you.

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