Wednesday, September 21, 2011

EPA Regulations Will Cost 1.44 Million Jobs!

Last week, I wrote about how the EPA was warring with industry, one can only assume in an attempt to destroy jobs.  As that war continues, I thought it might be helpful to put some actual numbers in front of our readers so they can get the clearest picture possible about just how many jobs are being lost in the name of environmental protection against the man-made theory of global warming.
National Economic Research Associates (NERA) used the Federal Government’s own data in finding that Obama’s proposed EPA regulations would cost America over 180,000 jobs per year between 2013 and 2020.
This includes effects from the Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) as well as  Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) rules.
Here’s a break down of just a handful of the states affected by these regulations:
Projected Job Losses between 2013-2020:
Pennsylvania: 59,000
Ohio: 53,500
West Virginia: 38,500
Michigan: 40,000
Illinois: 48,000
Indiana: 51,500
Wisconsin: 24,500
Iowa: 26,500
Minnesota: 12,500
Florida: 135,000
Missouri: 76,000
Total nationwide will be in the range of 1.44 million jobs lost.
There are ways to help prevent this.  If you haven’t heard of the TRAIN act, it may be voted on this Friday and it will hopefully be a way to reign in some of this tyrannical regulation:
The TRAIN Act (H.R. 2401, “Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation Act of 2011”) establishes an 11-member federal interagency committee, chaired by the Department of Commerce, to analyze the cumulative impacts of a number of major EPA regulations. A final report on the results of the analysis is due to Congress by August 1, 2012.
It bears repeating, though I know I mention this every time, that this is precisely what President Obama said he would do.  He is systematically destroying the coal industry, and the toll on American jobs is extremely high.
If an industry becomes obsolete, there is no preventing the shedding of jobs as the market transitions to a new good or service.  That is not what’s happening here.  What’s happening here is the targeting of a bedrock American industry by a President who thinks he’s saving mother Earth.

Lordhawke says:  Personally, I don't think he really cares about Mother Earth so much as he wants to do the bidding of the International Banksters and destroy America!  This is exactly what he has been told to do by the Money Masters!  This is also a part of Agenda 21; they will use whatever means they deem necessary to place America under UN domination and control.

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