Monday, October 13, 2008


{Here's an old article and a link to a video I don't want to lose so I'm bringing it over from The Odessa Patriot, my old website which is about to expire.}

This is a year old. Most people were unaware of just how badly illegal immigration had gotten out of hand until the protest marches held during March 2006. And, a year ago, here's our corporations, our administration, and the NCLR all discussing the merger of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada like it's old hat. In the meantime, most of us still don't know about this planned merger and a lot of those that do are standing there with deer in the headlight looks or dismissing it as a conspiracy theory. Watch this video and remember the time frame... wipes me slick!

Karl Rove & The La Raza Connection: Full Disclosure Internet Video Blog (11 min) In an eleven minute Video News Blog, the Full Disclosure Network® presents --the news behind the news--the last day of the National Council of La Raza convention in Los Angeles on July 11, 2006. This video reveals Karl Rove's role and the White House connection to multi-national corporate sponsors behind the National Council of La Raza. Los Angeles, CA (PRWE August 16, 2007 -- In an eleven minute Video News Blog, the Full Disclosure Network® presents --the news behind the news-- the last day of the National Council of La Raza convention in Los Angeles on July 11, 2006. This video reveals Karl Rove, White House connection to multi-national corporate sponsors behind the National Council of La Raza. Available free, on demand, 24/7 at this URL:

Common goals? Rove's remarks on this video offer possible explanations as to why he was designated to represent the White House and provides insight in to the Hispanic strategy to support sympathy for an "open border" policy. Also, the multi-national Corporate leaders describe their common goals with the National Council of La Raza (non-profit social,activist groups) Full Disclosure® discovered the co-ordinated effort of these forces at the NCLR convention where speakers and delegates describe the exciting prospect of nurturing, cultivating and encouraging the populous Hispanic forces in America to push for the following: Merging the United States, Mexico and Canada into an economic union, Open Borders. Free flow of capital, goods, labor, and services. North American Economic Union aka "a common market economy." To compete with the European Common Market. The news behind the news:You judge for yourself by watching Full Disclosure Network's® coverage of the National Council of La Raza Convention. This video contains excerpts of presentations the mainstream media failed to cover. Included in the video are: Excerpts from Karl Rove, White House strategist on the Administration's failed Immigration reform policy. Corporate sponsors of the event pitching to the Hispanic audience. Reaction from a sampling of attendees representing Latino and migrant rights organizations. Video clips interviews with the Nativo Lopez, president of MAPA a prominent retired Hispanic law enforcement official. L. A. County Sheriff's Sergeant Richard Valdemar.

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