Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Authorize peace officers to inquire into the citizenship status of persons arrested or detained, forbid local ordinances abridging this authorization. Reference: HB 858, SB 1840

Jesse Gore = (5) I would co-author this as legislation

Tryon Lewis = (6) I would introduce this as the main author

Randy Rives = (6) I would introduce this as the main author

Buddy West = (4) I would co-sponsor this as legislation

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Duh. Quit tying our law enforcement's hands and taping their mouths shut. It would also be nice if you quit putting them in jail for doing their jobs. Why isn't Sutton in jail yet? Did you hear about the prosecutor and a co-hort of Ramos and Compean going to the funeral of that border patrol agent that was just killed and wanting to sit on the front row?